Follow these guidelines in order to obtain a special marriage license:
- Obtain Marriage Application Form (Form G) (PDF, 34 KB) and List of Required Documents for Grant of a Special Marriage License.
- Present completed form and other required/relevant documents to the Ministry of Social Services, Community Development and Gender Affairs. One of the under listed officers will be available to assist you:
- Assistant Secretary.
- Minister’s Secretary.
- Permanent Secretary’s Secretary.
- Pay relevant fees at the Accounts Section after the documents have been reviewed.
Please note:
- For those wishing to meet the two day residency requirement (EC$300.00), the license will be processed within three (3) days.
- For persons opting for no residency ($EC500.00), await preparation and approval of license or return within specified time.
- For weekend and holiday weddings ($EC704.00) applicants will be required to contact the Ministry of Social Services office at (767) 275 3612.
Posted: 19/02/2013