Dominica Citizenship by Investment is a top reputation Citizenship Program in the Commonwealth of Dominica, inviting judicious investors to make an investment in Dominica and obtain through the Economic Citizenship, full and unconditional Citizenship for them and their family members, according to the regulations published pursuant to Section 101 of the Constitution and Sections 8 and 20 (1) of the Citizenship Act.

Previously, citizenship of the Commonwealth of Dominica could only be granted to the persons who had been residents there for five (5) consecutive years.

About the Economic Citizenship Program


In 1993, the Program of Economic Citizenship was introduced whereby the residency requirement was waived. Applicants and their families obtain irrevocable citizenship for life and a second passport with no need to reside in the country and most importantly no need to give up their current nationality.

This amendment to the Naturalization and Citizenship Act meant that subject to a stipulated investment, persons could be granted Dominica citizenship. The recent evolution is that the European Union abolished the visa requirement for Dominica nationals.

This benefit/travel option is for the citizens of the European Union and for the citizens of Dominica when traveling to the territory of the other Contracting Party for a maximum period of 90 days in any 180-day period. The visa waiver covers all categories of individuals (service/official, diplomatic, special passport holders, and ordinary) who travel for all types of reasons, minus the purpose of carrying out some paid activity.

Why Become a Citizen of Dominica by Investment. What are the benefits?

  1. Becoming a Citizen of Dominica means that you become a Citizen of this peaceful and welcoming country for life and for your future generations, through one of the oldest and most trusted citizenship by investment program (CBI) in the world.
  2. Instant, unconditional and irrevocable Citizenship for the applicant, his family members (who apply with him or at a later stage), and for their future generations.
  3. Dual or multiple citizenships is allowed
  4. There is no requirement to reside or visit Dominica before or after citizenship is granted
  5. Full residence status, with the right to live and work in Dominica and CARICOM countries
  6. Minimal taxation – no wealth, gift, inheritance, foreign income, or capital gains tax
  7. Second Passport Validity (All Dominican passports are valid for ten (10) years (child’s passport – five (5) years); after that, it may easily be renewed
  8. The application process is confidential
  9. Possibility to apply for a Non-Dom status.

How to Qualify for the Dominica Economic Citizenship


To qualify for the Dominica Investment Citizenship of the Commonwealth of Dominica under its Citizenship by Investment Program, investors are required to make either of the following: 1) a minimum contribution of USD $200,000 to the Government Fund by the Government, and 2) a Dominica Real estate Investment to obtain Citizenship, by purchasing authorized property to the minimum value of USD 200,000.

The Ministry of Finance is responsible for processing all applications through the Citizenship by Investment Unit (CBIU).


Dominica’s Economic Citizenship Program is one component of the country’s national capital mobilization portfolio, towards the ultimate goal of National Development, and resilience.

As a result, the Government intends to channel capital from the economic citizenship program to public and private sector projects wherever there is a need.

Public sector projects identified for financing under the program include:

  1. The building of schools
  2. The renovation of the hospital
  3. The building of a national Sports stadium
  4. Towards the promotion of the Offshore Sector
  5. Housing

The Government respectfully gives emphasis on the following sectors:

  • Tourism
  • Information Technology
  • Agriculture

As a result, in order for public sector projects to be financed under the programme, they will need to fall within one of the aforementioned sectors.

Dominica Investment Citizenship Program Updated Qualifications



  1. Investments and Fees

a. Direct Monetary Investment 

The following are now payable under the direct monetary investment (commonly referred to as the ‘contribution to the EDF’) arm of the Programme:

b. Real Estate and Government Fees

The following are now payable in Government Fees for applicants under the property purchase arm of the Programme:

Please note that the minimum threshold for property investments remains US$200,000.

c. Remaining Fees

– The following fees are applying under both options of the Programme:

  1. Processing Fee:US$1.000 (per application)
  2. Due Diligence Fees on the Main Applicant: US$7.500
  3. Due Diligence Fees for a spouse US$4.000
  4. Any dependant aged 16 years or above: US$4.000
  5. Interview fees US$1.000per interview 
  6. Certificate of naturalisation fee – US$500per person 

II. Post-Citizenship Additions

Please be advised that Dominica now allows for the following post-citizenship additions to be made under the Programme:

a.New Born or Adopted Children

Children (under 18 years old) born or adopted not more than five years after the main applicant obtained citizenship, subject to the following fees:

  • Processing Fee: US$2.000
  • Due Diligence Background Checks For Children Above 16 years old US$ 4.000
  • Certificate of Naturalisation Fee: US$500

b. Spouses Married Post Citizenship Acquisition 

To qualify a spouse for citizenship, the following shall be payable US$75.000 plus the following fees:

  • Processing Fee: US$1.000
  • Due Diligence Fee for the original applicant (if submitted more than 1 year after the date of submission of the original application): US$7.500
  • Due Diligence Fee for the spouse: US$4.000
  • Mandatory Interview: US$1.000

c. Dependants existing at the time of the Citizenship Application but not included in it.

Any dependant who would have qualified as a dependant at the time the original application use: US$50.000 

Other qualifying Dependent: US$50.000 

  • Processing Fee: US$1.000
  • Due Diligence Fee for the original applicant (if submitted more than 1 year after the date of submission of the original application): US$7.500
  • Due Diligence Fee for each dependant US$7.500
  • Mandatory interview US$1.000

Exception –  If an application is submitted within ONE YEAR  from the granting of citizenship the following shall be sufficient:

Spouse: US$50.000 

Any other qualifying Dependent: US$25.000 

  • Processing Fee: US$1.000
  • Due Diligence Fee for the original applicant (if submitted more than 1 year after the date of submission of the original application): US$7.500
  • Due Diligence Fee for each dependant aged 16 or over US$4.000
  • Mandatory interview US$1.000
  • Certificate of Naturalisation Fee: US$500per dependant

What Makes Applicants Eligible for a Dominica Investment Citizenship?


Investors (or applicants) must:

  • Be at least (18) years of age
  • Be of outstanding character
  • Have at least a basic knowledge of English
  • Have made an investment of the prescribed amount

The whole family (Dependents) of the Main Applicant can be included in one application.

There is no numerical limit on the number of Dependents provided they are the following persons fully supported by the Main Applicant:

A ‘’Dependent’’ means:

III. Definition of ‘Dependant’

Please be advised that the following persons are now eligible to be included as dependants under the Programme:

  • A spouse of the main applicant
  • A child under 18 years of age of the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant
  • A child of the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant between 18 and 30 years who is in attendance at a recognised institution of higher learning and substantially supported by the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant
  • An unmarried daughter of the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant who is under 25 years of age and is living with and fully supported by the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant
  • A child of the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant who is 18 years of age or older and physically or mentally challenged and who is substantially supported by the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant
  • Parents or grandparents of the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant above the age of 65 years who are substantially supported by the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant.

Application Requirements

Investors must be over 18 years of age.

Additional non-investment (or non-Economic) ways to obtain Dominica Citizenship is by marriage and by descent/birth.

Application Forms

For any further clarifications/assistance kindly contact us at

IFC Citizenship & Residency 2021

The Definitive Guide to Global Citizenship by Investment & Residency Programmes

Case Study – Dominica By Christos Vardikos

Visa Free
Visa Free
Definition of Dependant
Definition of Dependant
Dominica CBI Processing Guidebook
Dominica Citizenship By Investment Program
Dominica Citizenship By Investment Program