A business name is a name used for a business which-
- In the case of an individual or partnership, is different from the name(s) of the proprietor(s), and
- In the case of a company, is different from the company’s corporate name.
All business names must be registered. It is an offence to operate a business under a business name which has not been registered. The law regarding business names is set out in the Registration of Business Names Act [Chap. 78:46, Registration of Business Name (Amendment) Act 20 of 2001, the Business Names Rules, 2011 and the Business Names (Fees) Rules, S.R.O. 35 of 2001.
The application form is slightly different depending on whether the applicant is a sole trader, a partnership or a company. The forms are:
- Form BN1 Application for Registration of a Business Name by an individual.
- Form BN2 Application for Registration of a Business Name by a firm or partnership.
- Form BN3 Application for Registration of a Business Name by a company.
Requirements for Registration of a Business Name
- Letter addressed to the Registrar of Companies requesting registration of Business Name.
- Business Name Application Letter (Sample) (PDF, 19.7 KB).
- Statement of Particulars and Statutory Declaration in duplicate (2 copies each) on deed paper.
- Business Name Statement of Particulars (Sample) (PDF, 18 KB).
- Business Name Statutory Declaration (Sample) (PDF, 31.1 KB).
For more information, contact us at: info@dominicaconsulategreece.com
The Companies’ Clerk
Companies and Intellectual Property Office
21 Kennedy Avenue
Commonwealth of Dominica
Telephone: (767) 266 3358
Fax: (767) 440 6593
E-mail: cipoclerk@dominica.gov.dm